Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Friday the 13th!

It's Friday the 13th today and I'm wishing everyone loads of luck!

I've always thought Friday the 13th's (heretofore referred to as Ft13) were pretty cool and I've never experienced bad luck on these days. Some years I've felt luckier and others I've felt like "'s just another day" but I don't ever remembering having a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad day* (2 points if you get that reference). What's unusual about this year is that we have two months in a row that have a Ft13, March 2009 has one as well. We usually have at least 2 in a year but this year we have them back to back, and if I'm not mistaken we have a third as well...Yup, November 2009 has one two.

Crazy! Y'know Ft13's always make me think of that movie Freaky Friday. Not the new one, the original with Jodie Foster. Do you know what I'm talking about? I remember really liking it but at the end where the Dad and little brother switch places, I always felt bad since the "magic" wore off at Midnight. They were going to be stuck like that for awhile...and that made me sad.

Anyway, I wish you all lots of luck on this, for some, unluckiest of days! And, you got to ask yourself one question, do I feel lucky? Well do you...Punk?** (5 bonus points if you get that one too!)

*I think I read this book in the first grade and I LOVED it!
**Does it really need explanation?

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