Friday, April 27, 2012

Come fly with me!!

Total sad face when he left Sunday morning! I love you, fly safe!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Friday Funnies

It's Friday and the Hubby gets to come home! He's been gone on a work trip since Sunday and I am way excited to see him. The week was actually fun, I feel so blessed to have so many friends that have surrounded me. I was never without a "date" for the evening. I totally felt the love!! Enjoy your weekend...

Q: Why did the suspenders get arrested?
A: Because they held up a pair of pants!
A man knocks on a door and says to the little old lady who answers,"I'm really sorry. I just ran over your cat and it's dead. If you don't mind I'd like to replace it." The lady studies him and after a pause says, "Well, I guess so. How good are you at catching mice?"

Q: What's the difference between eggs and bacon?
A: For the chicken it's just a day's work but for the pig it's a lifetime commitment.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Kitties!

Another birthday comes today in the Waterbaby household. Our Furbabies are turning 3! I can't believe we've had them in our lives for so long.  It seems like just yesterday we brought them home. Anyway, Onyx and Zora, we love you and couldn't imagine our lives without you!

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Blogging to wish my mommy the most fabulous of Birthdays! I am so glad we were able to spend the weekend together. Hope we can see you soon!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Beer Week

EDIT: I meant to post thei ages ago but realized that I'd never it 'post'! No matter.  It was still a very fun evening and I hope you will enjoy reading all about it..

Did you know Sacramento had it's own Beer week? It was really an experience.  The "week" (it was actually two) kicked off for the Waterbabies at our favorite secret "Hideaway" a totally fun place that has pool, pinball and a great vibe.  After a great dinner, we sat around talking and playing cards. That's our very favorite thing to do recently...I'm not sure of the etiquitte but it sure is fun!

Later on in the week, we hit up the mustachioed bourbon, bacon and beer night at the Golden Bear. The food was amazing and the company just right. :) To say that this place is busy would be an understatement. We snagged a table and parked there all night, as it was way too packed to even get to the bathroom. We started the evening with a little bit of everything: burbon, beer and bacon. Personally, not my style, but the boys said it was so good, albiet a little sweet from the brown sugar. 

Please note: there are only two beers, I was the DD.

The coolest part was that the bartenders and bussers were really getting into it.  Everyone had a mustache and the bartenders were handing out strips of bacon to anyone walking by.  For dinner, the table split: Canadian bacon and chicken pizza, bacon wrapped prawns AND jalapenos as well as bacon wrapped pork belly, which came with a side of potato salad, and finally, my BAHN MI! I was so excited.  Remember back during our Valentine's day trip I tried the fantasticness that is this Vietnamese dish? Well during Beer week I had it again and it was amazing!! This has quickly replaced turkey as my favorite sandwich and I can't get enough. Too bad I can't get it anytime I want! Here's the menu:


They even handed out Mustaches to get everyone in the mood. We had our choice of 'stache and we (well I) has a blast wearing one.  Let me tell you they are sooo ITCHY! I don't know how guys do that.  A random fact overheard at mustache night: men with mustaches touch their face an average of 10,000 times a day.  I can see why!

All in all, Beer Week for the Waterbabies was a total sucess.  We had tons of fun and we're defintly going to make that Mustache party a recurring event on our calandars! :) I'm leaving you with a group shot of the waterbabies, the mister's bromance and my coworker/friends who joined us after dinner! Can't wait to do it again!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Funnies

I'm back.  Its been busy here, but I vow to make a renewed effort.  Anyway, Happy Friday the 13th! It's the second of three this year and hopefully it will be as lucky as it can be for you all.  I am way excited because my family arrived yeaterday evening for a fabulous weekend full of celebrating and remembering.  That is, if this rain ever lets up!

Q: Why do Doctors use red pens?
A: In case they need to draw blood.

Q: What did the father buffalo say to his kid when he left for work in the morning?
A: Bye, son!

A guy walks into a bar with a salamander on his shoulder. The Bartender says 'Whats his name?' the guy says, 'Tiny. Because he's my newt.'

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Friday Funnies

Happy Friday! It's been a emotional week for me. The anniversary of my daddy's death (5 years!!!) coupled with news of close friends moving and some friend drama made this Waterbaby cry real tears not ones from chlorine. Suffice it to say, I totally need a laugh. So, cheers to the freakin' weekend. Hope I get a bike ride in...

Q: Did you hear the joke about the roof? A: Don't worry, it's probably over your head anyway...

Q: How do you know Jesus like Japanese food?
A: Because he loves miso.

Q: Did you hear about the paranoid dyslexic?
A: He's always afraid he's following someone.