Monday, April 16, 2012

Friday Funnies

It's Friday and the Hubby gets to come home! He's been gone on a work trip since Sunday and I am way excited to see him. The week was actually fun, I feel so blessed to have so many friends that have surrounded me. I was never without a "date" for the evening. I totally felt the love!! Enjoy your weekend...

Q: Why did the suspenders get arrested?
A: Because they held up a pair of pants!
A man knocks on a door and says to the little old lady who answers,"I'm really sorry. I just ran over your cat and it's dead. If you don't mind I'd like to replace it." The lady studies him and after a pause says, "Well, I guess so. How good are you at catching mice?"

Q: What's the difference between eggs and bacon?
A: For the chicken it's just a day's work but for the pig it's a lifetime commitment.

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