Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Umm, yeah. This would be AFTER we'd already started cleaning up...and it doesn't even include whats behind me or on the carpet to the left! Bah! What a mess...It's kind of incredible how much cat food fits into a little container!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Funnies

Q: What do you order at a restaurant during a blackout?

A: A light beer


Q: What did the monkey say to the leopard after the card game?

A: I knew you were a cheetah!


Q: What kind of store do you want to be in when an Earthquake hits?

A: A Stationery Store

Hope you all had a fabulous week! I can't wait for the weekend to officially start. Can't we start now? It's gotta be 5 o'clock somewhere...right?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dinner is Served!

So, in order to start on one of my goals this year I made dinner for the mister and myself using an entirely new (to me) recipe: Steak with Mushroom sauce. It turned our pretty yummy and was actually pretty easy to make. I used NY Strip and I had the butcher at Safeway trim the fat for me so I didn't have to touch it until it was cooked. (I have this weird thing about touching raw meat, it's gross, so I just don't :)) Anyway, as you can see in the picture, I paired it with caesar salad, a warm fusilli side from Trader Joe's (it's has zucchini, yellow bell peppers and cherry tomatoes) and LOTS of the mushroom sauce. Oh, and a glass of wine! It was really yummy and got two thumbs up from Mr. Waterbaby, gotta love that!

Something I've learned over the last few years? Cooking for a "little" family of two is much easier to do when you get home in the early afternoon. I felt so much more inspired and willing to try new and different recipes when I wasn't already starving! I wasn't looking for the quick fix, I could put more thought into what we were putting into our bodies! I'm hoping to get lots more cooking done in the month of February when I'm home early everyday!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Congratulations John and Denise!

This past Saturday we went to a fabulous wedding celebration of two of our dear friends. We gathered with close friends and the Bride and Groom's loving family at the Old Sugar Mill in Clarksburg, CA. It's so cool to know that Sacramento has it's own wine country not far from downtown. The day was gorgeous and the bride looked absolutely stunning. We had fun dancing the night away and didn't want it to end. It was late when we finally wished the newlyweds lots of fun in the sun on their honeymoon in Hawaii! Congratulations John and Denise...Best Wishes!

I got to see the bride before anyone else!

Love the cider that greeted us as we walked into the ceremony space. It was much appreciated on such a cold day!

Two views. Love the candelabra!

Pretty gifts!
Beautiful bride!

The sweet sand ceremony!

I now pronounce you Husband and Wife!
Cute idea for placecards!

fancy centerpieces

cutting the cakes...cupcakes!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Funnies

Q: Why did the thief who robbed the blood bank go to jail?

A: He got caught red handed!


Q: What kind of snake do you have on your car?

A: A Windshield viper


Q: What happened when the optician fell into the lens grinding machine?

A: He made a spectacle of himself!

Hope you enjoyed this week's batch!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tale as old as time...

On this first rainy evening (of many so I hear) my friend and I went back to our childhoods for a couple of hours. We went to go see Beauty and the Beast In 3D!! Last year Disney released The Lion King which was so fun to see again on the big screen, so I was ready for round 2.

Since the hubby was out at dinner with the big boss, I decided to take myself out for a treat too! My friend wasn't going to be able to meet me until later, so I decided I wanted some nice warm soup and ended up at Panera Bread Co. Yum-o! Then I headed to the theatre.

As an aside, can you believe 13.50 for ONE 3D ticket!! Highway robbery, I tell ya...
It was awesome! The 3D graphics made the movie look so real. Although they didn't add in any of the new songs we saw on the DVD, it was still updated and fresh. Also, surprise! The only other people in the theatre were some old family friends. It was the weirdest thing to know every person in a HUGE theater room. (You can kinda see them behind us in the cool shot of us with our glasses on.) It was a really fun girls night and I loved to see a show that I remember seeing at the movies the first time around! Hope you all get to catch this show before it goes back to the Disney vault, or something...

P.S. I still think I like the Beast better before he was human.  He's not really my ideal looking kinda guy...good thing he's rich I guess!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Mythbusters: Behind the Myths tour

As a Christmas present to Mr. Waterbaby, I bought three tickets to see this show. One for the hubby, myself and our very best friend. At first when I gave him the tickets, he wasn't sure what it was going to be all about. He had of course seen the shows and enjoyed predicting which myths would come true and which would end up debunked but neither of us were sure what Adam and Jaimie were going to do onstage. Last Monday we found out...turns out everything but let a cannonball loose!

We started out with dinner at one of our favorite places: Pronto's. It's this little American/Italian fusion bistro in Midtown, not far from the theater. Mr. WB had a scrumptious polenta bowl, his buddy had a comforting meatloaf meal and I had my very favorite baked ziti with sausage. It was so creamy and delicious! If you haven't been to this restaurant, you must!

As we walked into the theater, after dinner, we met up with a coworker of mine who has connections to the theater. (She's how we got such great seats!) She and her husband are big fans of the show and we all were anticipating the start!

As we sat down the big screen on stage started showing a video, sort of a Behind the Scenes of their Creative space. We saw their workspaces and their brainstorming offices as well as their camera/editing rooms that housed their Wall of shame: a collection of old video cameras that have been put out commission due to various methods, ie. drowning, being blown up, falling from great heights...y'know the usual!)

They also did various experiment such as demonstrating weight distribution with interlaced everyday phone books. Did you know, when overlapped correctly, two ordinary phone books can hold up the weight of a car! They showcasing physics by having different sized people wield different sized hammers on a High Striker, and they also showed off the magic of High speed cameras. After calling up a few members of the audience, they filmed them making funny faces and then slowed the resulting video way down for our enjoyment. It was really funny, and highly enjoyable!

The show ended with a last trick, it involved a converted Anti-aircraft gun, paintballs and a suit of armor. Intrigued? We were too! They basically picked an audience member suited them up in one of Adam's favorite suits of armor and shot an Anti-aircraft guns ammo box full of paintballs at the poor guy! Don't worry, he was just fine and so was the armor! It was an awesome show! Mr. WB said it was a surprise he enjoyed immensely. We can't wait for our next adventure! Here are some more gratuitous photos:

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Funnies

Happy Friday the 13th! This is one of three for the year...spooky! I figure with two black cats that constantly cross my path, I'm good!! :). Here are this week's batch of jokes...

Q: What did the shoe say to the hat?

A: You go on ahead and I'll follow on foot!

Q: Why did the wagon train stop in the middle of the desert?

A: Engine trouble

Q: How did the lingerie thief escape?

A: He gave the officers the slip!

Hope you got a laugh out of them! Or at least a groan...hope your day turns out lucky!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy Birthday, AJ!

(I can't believe that this is the most recent photo I have on this computer)

Just wanted to send a BIG birthday shoutout to the best brother a girl could ever have. My "little" brother turned 23 today! Wish I could celebrate with you buddy!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012: the year of Baking, Books and Shows

Christmas has come and gone and thanks to some very generous loved ones, 2012 will be so exciting.

We received (amongst other fabulous things) a couple pairs of tickets to shows and musicals for the coming year.  I am so excited to use them in the coming weeks and months and try to get some culture forced into that hubby of mine! :) Our first show will be on Monday. We'll be attending Mythbusters: Behind the Myths Tour with Mr. Waterbaby's bromance and a co-worker and her husband. I'm so excited. I'll be back with a review in a couple of days...

A goal I set for myself this year, is to do more cooking and baking. I already started working on the baking half earlier this week, when I made Carrot Cake Cookies.  They were a total hit with the mister and with his co-workers, as I sent him to the office with a dozen and a half.  Apparently they were gone before lunch and by all accounts were pretty scrumptious.  As for the cooking, I really want go get into the habit of creating yummy, healthy meals for my husband before we have children because I know once there are kids in the picture, it won't be so easy. One of my friends is setting a goal of three new recipes a week.  That's a little too ambitions for the likes of this Waterbaby but I can handle two or three a month, and I really want to learn to love cooking (even if I HATE the cleaning part!)...

Finally, if you know me at all, you know if I'm not watching TV, I'm reading a book...or two.  My boss and I have even set up our own little book club (if you can have a club of 2).  Thanks to some gentle prodding I have joined a website called Goodreads, a place where you can list and rate the books you have recently read and find new books to add to your virtual bookshelf.  I am always looking for new recommendations on what to read so this sounded perfect! The goal for this year is 112 books in 2012. We'll see how well I do..

New year, New Project

Well hello, Internet. Nice to speak to you again.

While I have spent countless hours lost on your highway of knowledge in the past two years my blog has sat neglected...and sad. I'm setting out to change all that.  As 2012 begins, and with a new Blogger app in my arsenal, I am jumping back into the blogging pool. I figure if this is the last year before Armageddon, I should memorialize it, right?

Anyway, here's to a new year...and plenty of new adventures in the life of the Waterbabies!