Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dinner is Served!

So, in order to start on one of my goals this year I made dinner for the mister and myself using an entirely new (to me) recipe: Steak with Mushroom sauce. It turned our pretty yummy and was actually pretty easy to make. I used NY Strip and I had the butcher at Safeway trim the fat for me so I didn't have to touch it until it was cooked. (I have this weird thing about touching raw meat, it's gross, so I just don't :)) Anyway, as you can see in the picture, I paired it with caesar salad, a warm fusilli side from Trader Joe's (it's has zucchini, yellow bell peppers and cherry tomatoes) and LOTS of the mushroom sauce. Oh, and a glass of wine! It was really yummy and got two thumbs up from Mr. Waterbaby, gotta love that!

Something I've learned over the last few years? Cooking for a "little" family of two is much easier to do when you get home in the early afternoon. I felt so much more inspired and willing to try new and different recipes when I wasn't already starving! I wasn't looking for the quick fix, I could put more thought into what we were putting into our bodies! I'm hoping to get lots more cooking done in the month of February when I'm home early everyday!

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