Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day!

I miss my daddy way too much on days like this. I really wish that I could celebrate him and thank him a million times for all that he has taught me. RIP, Dad. I'll love you forever.

However, today we are celebrating the man who taught my amazing husband to be a man. To be respectful and logical and amazingly forgiving. Thank you for helping mold my husband into someone who I am proud to one day call the father of my children. I love you!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Happy!

Sorry for the radio silence. But it's my birthday so y'all know you forgive me! ;) I am officially 28 today. My mom told me this morning that it was chocolate ice cream that jump started her labor so I will celebrate with some for dessert tonight. Sorry, TMI? I will leave you with a birthday joke to make up for it.

Q: Why did the girl go naked on her Birthday?
A: Because it suited her!

Have a great day, I know I will!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Come fly with me!!

Total sad face when he left Sunday morning! I love you, fly safe!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Friday Funnies

It's Friday and the Hubby gets to come home! He's been gone on a work trip since Sunday and I am way excited to see him. The week was actually fun, I feel so blessed to have so many friends that have surrounded me. I was never without a "date" for the evening. I totally felt the love!! Enjoy your weekend...

Q: Why did the suspenders get arrested?
A: Because they held up a pair of pants!
A man knocks on a door and says to the little old lady who answers,"I'm really sorry. I just ran over your cat and it's dead. If you don't mind I'd like to replace it." The lady studies him and after a pause says, "Well, I guess so. How good are you at catching mice?"

Q: What's the difference between eggs and bacon?
A: For the chicken it's just a day's work but for the pig it's a lifetime commitment.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Kitties!

Another birthday comes today in the Waterbaby household. Our Furbabies are turning 3! I can't believe we've had them in our lives for so long.  It seems like just yesterday we brought them home. Anyway, Onyx and Zora, we love you and couldn't imagine our lives without you!

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Blogging to wish my mommy the most fabulous of Birthdays! I am so glad we were able to spend the weekend together. Hope we can see you soon!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Beer Week

EDIT: I meant to post thei ages ago but realized that I'd never it 'post'! No matter.  It was still a very fun evening and I hope you will enjoy reading all about it..

Did you know Sacramento had it's own Beer week? It was really an experience.  The "week" (it was actually two) kicked off for the Waterbabies at our favorite secret "Hideaway" a totally fun place that has pool, pinball and a great vibe.  After a great dinner, we sat around talking and playing cards. That's our very favorite thing to do recently...I'm not sure of the etiquitte but it sure is fun!

Later on in the week, we hit up the mustachioed bourbon, bacon and beer night at the Golden Bear. The food was amazing and the company just right. :) To say that this place is busy would be an understatement. We snagged a table and parked there all night, as it was way too packed to even get to the bathroom. We started the evening with a little bit of everything: burbon, beer and bacon. Personally, not my style, but the boys said it was so good, albiet a little sweet from the brown sugar. 

Please note: there are only two beers, I was the DD.

The coolest part was that the bartenders and bussers were really getting into it.  Everyone had a mustache and the bartenders were handing out strips of bacon to anyone walking by.  For dinner, the table split: Canadian bacon and chicken pizza, bacon wrapped prawns AND jalapenos as well as bacon wrapped pork belly, which came with a side of potato salad, and finally, my BAHN MI! I was so excited.  Remember back during our Valentine's day trip I tried the fantasticness that is this Vietnamese dish? Well during Beer week I had it again and it was amazing!! This has quickly replaced turkey as my favorite sandwich and I can't get enough. Too bad I can't get it anytime I want! Here's the menu:


They even handed out Mustaches to get everyone in the mood. We had our choice of 'stache and we (well I) has a blast wearing one.  Let me tell you they are sooo ITCHY! I don't know how guys do that.  A random fact overheard at mustache night: men with mustaches touch their face an average of 10,000 times a day.  I can see why!

All in all, Beer Week for the Waterbabies was a total sucess.  We had tons of fun and we're defintly going to make that Mustache party a recurring event on our calandars! :) I'm leaving you with a group shot of the waterbabies, the mister's bromance and my coworker/friends who joined us after dinner! Can't wait to do it again!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Funnies

I'm back.  Its been busy here, but I vow to make a renewed effort.  Anyway, Happy Friday the 13th! It's the second of three this year and hopefully it will be as lucky as it can be for you all.  I am way excited because my family arrived yeaterday evening for a fabulous weekend full of celebrating and remembering.  That is, if this rain ever lets up!

Q: Why do Doctors use red pens?
A: In case they need to draw blood.

Q: What did the father buffalo say to his kid when he left for work in the morning?
A: Bye, son!

A guy walks into a bar with a salamander on his shoulder. The Bartender says 'Whats his name?' the guy says, 'Tiny. Because he's my newt.'

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Friday Funnies

Happy Friday! It's been a emotional week for me. The anniversary of my daddy's death (5 years!!!) coupled with news of close friends moving and some friend drama made this Waterbaby cry real tears not ones from chlorine. Suffice it to say, I totally need a laugh. So, cheers to the freakin' weekend. Hope I get a bike ride in...

Q: Did you hear the joke about the roof? A: Don't worry, it's probably over your head anyway...

Q: How do you know Jesus like Japanese food?
A: Because he loves miso.

Q: Did you hear about the paranoid dyslexic?
A: He's always afraid he's following someone.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Birthday, Scott!

Happy Birthday to the best Father-in-law a girl could ask for. We love you!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

When you're out, you're out...

Girl Scout cookie season is coming to an end and this former girl scout is nostalgic about her time in a sash and beret.  I loved being a scout and while I didn't stick with it until the end, I know that my future children will be involved in the Boy/Girl Scouts of America program.  As I was going into the grocery store last weekend I came across this sight and it made me laugh: I guess when you're out, you're out...

Abandoned table, discarded signs and an empty Thin Mints box. Girl Scouts: That's how we do! :)

Friday Funnies

Happy Friday!! This week has been so exhausting with clinic starting up and my evenings getting longer. Our running isn't going as well as I would hope either...we're just soo tired at the end of the day! However, this week we need that laugh. Plus, this weekend is the last swim team signup before the season starts...Woot! Bring it on future Stingrays...

Q: Why did the out of work dog chase his tail?
A: He was trying to make ends meet.

Q: Why shouldn't you iron a four leaf clover?
A: You don't want to press your luck!

There are two cowboys in the kitchen. Which one is the real cowboy?

The one on the range!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sgt. Pepper and Mr. Kite go way back!

On Thursday afternoon I got a text from Mr. Waterbaby's father inviting me to accompany him to a lecture at the Crest Theatre. He had just heard about it via e-mail, from a friend, and thought that I might be interested in the subject matter. Turns out the presentation was about one of the best Rock and Roll groups of all time: the Beatles. And more specifically their incredibly influential album: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Needless to say, I was totally in! (Warning: lots of pictures!)

The lecture is part of a series done by a man by the name of Scott Freiman.  He conducts these types of talks all around the country.  In fact the very next evening he was setting up for an appearance in Grass Valley, CA about the "white" album.  I am way interested in learning more about that last album...

The presentation was so fun. We learned so many intriguing facts on the creative process of John and Paul. How they collaborated and wrote each song, and even the recording and re-recording process they went through with George R. Martin, their producer. Also the lecturer isolated certain tracks so we could hear the layering of the different instruments with the background vocals as well as the leads. Totally cool!

I couldn't believe that all of these different instruments were in just one song. (What was blocked by the person's head in front of me, were violins, violas and cellos)  Mr. Freiman talked a lot about how this album was created around the time that George especially, was influenced by Indian musical rhythms and instruments.  This is one of the first full albums in which you can definitively hear that influence.

This is one of my very favorite Beatles songs.  It played at my daddy's funeral and always makes me think of my parents and their enduring love. I hope Mr. WB and I can look back after years together with love when we're sixty-four! 

At the end of his presentation, Mr. Freiman showed this quote he'd unearthed in his tireless research.  I thought it was so cool to hear how influential the group had been in its heyday.  I know that they are still popular to this day and how just a few years ago they even go thier own video game!  I remember my parents, my dad especially, telling me about how fun it was to wait for their next album and how everyone stopped to watch them on the Ed Sullivan show.

The presentation was really fun and informative.  Walking back to the car afterward we remarked to each other how excited were were to listen to the album again and how much more we understood their music and even how much more we liked the group (as if THAT was possible ;)). I am totally interested in seeing another presentation by this lecturer especially the one he's put together on Abbey Road! Come back to Sacramento, Scott Freiman!

The credit definitely goes to the awesome lecturer Scott Freiman for the slides and the quotes at the end. If you are looking for more info on his work you can find them at his website: The words are all mine.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Funnies

The week has been busy. Lots of fun times and new projects. Glad it's the weekend so I can sleep, I miss sleep during the week!

Q: What is Irish and stays out all night?
A: Paddy O'Furniture


W: What did the clam do for his birthday?
A: He shellebrated!!


W: What do you call 400 rabbits hopping backwards?
A: A receding hare line

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Showering the Mama-to-be!

Yay! Our dear friends Jason and Minna are having a baby! We celebrated the parents-to-be with a shower and lots of fun earlier this month.  And with just enough time since she is due any minute! I had lots of help making this a day spoiling them, like they are sure to spoil that little bundle of joy.
Andy, Minna's brother in law was our photographer and he got some fabulous photos that I just love! We had so much fun throwing this shower and I hope you enjoy the details!

We played Pictionary it was so much fun!!


Monday, February 27, 2012

Little red running hood...

So I've been feeling sort of blah lately. Mr. WB and I have been falling into more and more of a sedentary lifestyle. We needed to become active again, sweat, use our muscles. For a couple who met at a water polo game this non-motion is definitely wearing on us...

Therefore, we decided to start running.

For the waterbabies this is not our ideal form of exercise. We'd rather be in/on the water than running past it. Looking at it...longingly...

Anyway, we started the Couch-to-5k program this evening. It's my kind of regimen because it totally eases you off the couch and gets you running in short intervals. That I can do: 30 minutes 3 days a week is enough to get me moving and keep me motivated, especially since I have such a handsome running partner. ;)

On our run this evening we even saw geese running along with us. They were too cute, going for an evening stroll. Yay for day one! Hopefully I can keep going and I find a goal race to enter us in. We'll see...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Funnies

Well this weekend totally snuck up on me! We're knee-deep in planning for our friends baby shower and (surprise!!) it's at casa Waterbaby. Oh man, we'll see how that goes, I wasn't quite ready for it. Anyway, laugh a little! I gotta go clean my house...

Q: What do you call twins before their born?
A: Womb-mates!

Q: Did you hear about the guy who lost his left side?
A: He's all right now!

Q: What has a bottom at it's top?
A: A leg

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Game night!

We had friends over the house on Saturday evening for dinner and a game night. Having a full house was so much fun. A great set of coworkers came over to spend some time with us...Minna, her husband Jason and Jason's brother Andy all came bearing fun games and lots of conversation. Minna and Jason are expecting a baby at the end of March so with all the preparation they have left, this might be the last opportunity to have them over as a family of two!

I stretched my entertaining/cooking muscles as I made the whole meal from appetizer to dessert. The menu was pretty straight forward. We had Crock-Pot lasagna, a salad (which had a romaine and spinach base with garlic croutons, but I added slivered almonds, bell peppers, pomegranate arils and a vinigarette dressing. So yummy!), garlic bread and apple crisp for dessert. The lasagna recipie is a favorite in the Waterbaby household (I've shared it with a few friends and have heard nothing but rave reviews), but it makes such a large quantity we only make it with friends or when we're REALLY hungry! :) I guess I was so busy being a chef that I forgot to take pictures of the food...the table setting will have to do!

We had to squeeze one extra chair at the table but I don't think it mattered much. By the end of dinner, everyone had a full belly. Then it was onto game time. We decided to start out with a game that everyone could agree on, especially the engineers and accountants among us! :) Monopoly! I got to be the race car and Mr. Waterbaby was the moneybags...sounds about right! Haha! Andy won buy getting two sets of properties and upgraded to hotels right away lucky guy. Everyone was bankrupt soon after that. Wop-wop!

After that game I slid dessert into the oven (apple crisp...yum!) and we got started on a fun card game that everyone could agree on. We played Egyptian Ratscrew and Slapjack The games were a great interlude right before we ate that scrumptious dessert (if I do say so myself, haha, I had two pieces) and then we lingered over coffee and water and great conversation.

It was totally awesome to have friends over for such a fun evening. We got to talk about upcoming plans for the baby and what they, as new parents were most excited about. It gives these Waterbabies lots to think about! A few of us at work are planning a fabulous baby shower for this great couple and I can't wait to see the nursery the parents-to-be have been getting ready...I know their baby girl will be totally precious!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bloggers get love too...

Source: via pinterest.
I saw this meme on one of my favorite blogs Heir to Blair, and it put a smile on my face. Beth Anne is way to funny and if you haven't already read her stuff you're totally missing out. Enjoy!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Funnies

Well, the two-day work week has come to a close...I don't know how I made it! ;) This weekend should be pretty fun. We're off to cheer on of our favorite basketball coaches to go further in the Playoffs. Our friend Chris is the head coach at Rio High School and they have a pretty good league record this year. It's Senior night and the first round of playoffs so those "Rowdy Raiders" will be in full effect. We're also going to be getting ready for a few events that are coming up at the end of the month. We will have a Baby Shower (co-hosted by yours truly) for our friends Minna and Jason to shop for as well as going out with the Mamma to Be and picking up some very girly decorations for the nursery. Can't wait! Plus, I have to squeeze in some more blogging time. There are lots of adventures and stories I can't believe I haven't shared with you yet! Hope you all have a very fabulous weekend.

Q: Why did the Seagull have to fly over the Sea?
A: Because if it flew over the bay he'd be a bay-gul!

Q: Why did the Grizzly turn red?
A: Because he was EmBEARassed!

Q: How do you make a tissue dance?
A: You put a little boogie in it!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Waterbabies - A love story

Wow, what a surprise I got when I woke up yesterday morning! The hubby surprised me with a trip into the city for a couple of days. I'll be back with a full recap when I return on Friday (!!) but until then, I thought I'd leave you with a Valentine's Day-inspired survey...all about the Waterbabies! I borrowed it from my friend Michelle over at See Michelle Blog. (She is so awesome and funny, you should check her out.) anyway, I'm away from the computer for awhile so Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you all have a day filled with much love and surprises! I know I will...

1. How long have you and your significant other known each other?

The mister and I were introduced in August/September of 2003. We started dating in December of that year.

2. How did you meet? {What’s your “love” story?}

We were set up by mutual friends in college. I had recently gotten out of a relationship and I wasn't really looking for a boyfriend however, I played water polo with a girl who said she had the most perfect guy for me. She was dating one of Mr. WB best friends. She invited him to come to a water polo game and he didn't show up. (Excepting the guy she was dating at that time, I didn't have high hopes for any guy she knew, as her track record wasn't the best.) So I wasn't surprised when he didn't show up.

She called him and he apologized, said that something had come up and he would come to the next game. I wrote him off at that point and decided that if he came great, if not, oh well... At our next home game he showed up and we were introduced. We went on a date a few weeks later and the rest is history! :)

3. If married, how long have you been married?

Mr. Waterbaby asked me to marry him in June of 2007. We tied the knot in August of 2008: 3 years, 5 months and 20 days ago.

4. If you are married, where did you get married? Big or small wedding?

We had a pretty big wedding. We invited 150 of our closest friends and family to celebrate with us. Our ceremony took place in Sacramento, CA at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament and our reception was at a beautiful business club called the Sutter Club. It was the middle of summer and 100 degrees but it was the best day of our lives!

our ceremony space

our reception space

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!

We don't really have any embarrassing nicknames for each other (not that I would share them here if we did!). We pretty much stick with the usual baby or honey. One thing I refuse to call him or let him call me is babe, because I am not a pig!

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.

There are so many things I love about my husband and to narrow them down to three is very hard but hmmm...

First, I love his sense of humor. He can make me laugh without even saying a word. I love the way he sees the world, everything in order but with lots of laughter thrown in.
Secondly, I love his right side of the brain-ness. He's a financial wiz and that is so completely different from me. I appreciate so much what his mind can do and acknowledge that mine just does not work like that! :)
Thirdly, I love his protectiveness. Not only does he never want to see me unhappy, our little family is always first and foremost in his mind. Every decision he makes is based on our goals, our hopes and with us in mind.

7. Tell us how he proposed?

We got engaged the day before my birthday. It was a pretty packed day. We had a brunch to go to for our friends who had gotten married the day before, we had to pick up a few things in preparation for my Birthday party the next day and we had to do this all before picking up my cousin at the airport.
After brunch Mr. WB decided he wanted to take a walk in a park near his home. This is a place that previously in our relationship we had picnicked, at least once every summer. I said no way...we had things to do! He talked me into it and we headed that way, after a stop at his parents place (you can guess how I was feeling about that one!). After laying down the ground rules about only being there for a few minutes we took a stroll.
After stopping in the butterfly garden and watching them flit from one beautiful flower to another, he started talking about how happy he is being with me and how much he loved me. Mr. WB is a kind of sappy guy anyway and I was focused on the time, goshdarnit. When I realized he wasn't following me I looked back and he was down on one knee! I nearly fainted...and screamed! As he asked me that fateful question I could think of nothing but how much I loved this man! I said yes and that was it. Oh, and we still picked up my cousin on time.

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?

Umm, can I say all of the above! He brings me flowers just because and we always have champagne in the house. I have received both teddy bears and chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day. We hardly do more than cards and dinner on this national day of love but the rest of the year, I am so spoiled...

9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?

As a true waterbaby any time on the beach sounds like heaven, but everyday life leads me to grab a movie and cuddle on the couch! Sacramento is a valley afterall...

10. Tell us one thing you’d like to do with your significant other one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?

We'd love to go to Europe, all expenses paid of course. Either that or an overwater bungalow in either Fiji or the Maldives!!

11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine’s Day.

We're in the city! San Francisco to be exact, with maybe some wine tasting thrown in. I'm not sure what we'll be up to.

12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine’s day?

I had no expectations for this Valentine's day. Let's just say he knocked it out of the park!

13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.

Communicate, communicate, communicate. Also, be accepting of each other. Trust is another good one. Do I have to pick one?

14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.

To me love means loving each other even when you look silly! :)